The new trend! Moai stone figures, Easter...

moai & easter island heads figures

The new trend! Moai stone figures, Easter Island heads, Tiki and Co. provide a mystical touch of the Polynesian South Seas in your garden

The colossal originals stand on the Easter Island Rapa Nui, which is located in the Polynesian Southeast Pacific, and are part of large ceremonial complexes.
Despite extensive research, the actual purpose of the statues and the exact time of their construction are disputed. Today it is assumed that the Moai are famous chiefs or revered ancestors, and that they are by no means older than 1500 years.

Most of the nearly 900 statues found were mostly made of soft tuff stone on the slopes of Rano Rarku. The size of the statues is between 2 and almost 22 meters. The appearance of the Moai is mainly characterized by the oversized head, deep-lying eye sockets, a large carefully formed nose and a wide forward chin.

The imposing stone figures amaze their viewers and trigger a fascination. The Easter Island figures are also finding more and more lovers with us. Such a mysterious stone figure sets special accents in your garden. With us you will find a variety of authentic Easter Island Statues from 15 - 200 cm. We have the Easter Island figures made of weight-saving stone casting or massive stonemasonry made of lava stone. Both variants are absolutely frost-resistant. We also offer unusual models such as e.g. Easter Island Statue with body or Easter Island Statue with a hat.

You can either order conveniently online or visit our warehouse sale in Volkertshausen, not far from Lake Constance. There you can check the goods, choose your favourite, buy it and take it right away home.

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